Ticketing open

from CHF 190.-

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Schedule is here

more than 36 sessions ...

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{{ SoftShake }}

27 october 2016

Unconference (limited to 30 attendees)

28 october 2016

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What's new !

Thursday 27 October

{Un} Conference

{un}conference wikipedia

With few rules, the first hour of the day, it is the participants themselves (you) who submit topics as they wish,
then vote to establish the program for the rest of the day ... And here we go!
This means you are goind to receive as much as you give, going to meeting will bring you surprise and new contact.
Interested by a subject, ask!. You have a piecce of information
share it !
The session format is open.

You can register here:

The theme for this first edition : Work more efficiently
Broadly, from Eclipse tips to au continuous delivery based on micro conteners, TDD, the latest framework on any language, any subject is welcome.

Friday 28 October


Classic conference, as you used to know schedule is build in advance with submissions

This year the following tracks are represented:

IA / Robotics
Functional Programming

30 Speakers
Sessions in French et en English
6 Tracks

Online Schedule


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{ Early Adopters }

  • Only 5 tickets
  • CHF 50.-1 July

{ Early Birds }

  • Open Price
  • CHF 100.- -> 17 september

{ Normal }

  • Normal Price
  • CHF 150.- -> 14 october

{ Late Commers }

  • Full Price
  • CHF 190.- -> 28 october
Buy !

{Softshake's Best Friend}

  • Not only for the gift, Softshake support as well !.
  • CHF 400.- -> 28 october
Buy !

Conference Will Be Held At


Rue de la Prairie 4, 1202 Genève

Here we are ...

Hotel Nearby

Hotel Ibis

10, rue Voltaire, 1201 GENEVE, SWITZERLAND
Phone: (+41)22/3382020

Do not hesitate to contact us for any query..


A big THANKS for all our sponsors to sustain such meeting.

SERIAL is a Swiss software engineering company. We support our customers business innovation by enabling them to build, run and support tailor made applications. SERIAL employs around 100 highly qualified engineers. We bring the human touch to technology, using our expertise. Proximity, engineering, people and engagement, are SERIALs main focuses.

Pyxis is recognized for its experience and expertise acquired over the last 15 years in achieving Agile transitions.

Your IT is complex. Managing it shouldn’t be! Smart Insight. Fast Action. End-User IT Analytics.

From startups to multinationals, OCTO is involved wherever information technology plays a decisive role in transforming companies.