Xanpan: When Kanban Meets XP

Salle BE29, 13:45 - 14:30

  • Agile

Xanpan is a combination of Kanban and XP that was first suggested by Allan Kelly. While Kanban is a great tool to organise your work you may miss some software specific principles and practices. That’s the strength of XP which was not that much in the spotlight for years. As it turns out combining Kanban and XP gives you a highly flexible system that puts the focus on delivering high quality software.

If you are tired of the strictness of scrum and no longer want to be called an outcast just for modifying it to your need you should give Xanpan a try.

  • Level: Shu (débutant)

  • Topic: Combining the strengths of XP and Kanban to deliver better software.

Slides, code & other materials provided by speaker

  • Slides
  • Blog

About speaker

Johnny Graber

Johnny Graber

Software Developer, FMH

Johnny Graber has many years of experience in desktop and web development. He used the challenges in customer projects to deepen his skills in the .Net framework and learns Ruby just for fun. He works now at the Swiss Medical Association in Bern where his knowledge of .Net and Mac OS X helps him to build applications for the continuing education of the health professionals.