The Promises of Purely Functional Programming.

Salle A106, 11:30 - 12:15

  • Prog. Fonctionnelle

Most programmers nowadays are familiar with some functional programming principles.

There are a number of programming languages which are integrating features such as lambda functions, or even encouraging the usage of immutable data-structure.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg! In fact, applying those techniques without any form of effect tracking reduces their power massively.

In this talk I’ll explain why “mostly functional programming” [1] is not practical, and I will demonstrate how Haskell, a general-purpose purely functional language, can help you in solving modern software challenges in a principled way.

I’ll put a strong emphasis on the benefit of non-strict evaluation and effect-tracking for concurrent programming.

[1] Erik Meijer: The Curse of the Excluded Middle:

  • Level: Ha (intermédiaire), Ri (avancé)

  • Topic: Concurrency and Effects

Slides, code & other materials provided by speaker

  • Slides

About speaker

Alois Cochard

Alois Cochard


Passionate Hacker