Introduction to Docker

Salle A106, 10:30 - 11:15

  • Incubateur

This session will give an introduction to Docker as a Container Manager, going from the inital principles and goals of the Docker technology to actual demonstration of the technology. It will also briefly describe Docker orchestration framework Fig and discuss the integration of Docker in OpenStack.

  • Level: Shu (débutant), Ha (intermédiaire)

  • Topic: Container Management

About speaker

Florian Dudouet

Florian Dudouet

Researcher, ZHAW ICCLab

Florian Dudouet is a researcher at the ICCLAB with a focus on performance measurement and optimization for cloud environments. His research interests are originally related to cloud interoperability but since being at the lab he is developing interests in workload characterization as part of his focus on performance. He is currently working on the Mobile Cloud Networking FP7 project. Interested in the usage of Containers for performance optimization of services compared to classic VMs, he has been working with Docker and is now working on the integration of Docker with OpenStack. Before joining the lab, Florian was a research engineer with Inria in Rennes, France where he worked on cloud computing in the context of the Contrail project on Cloud Federations. In the course of this work he used open-source standards such as OVF and CIMI and worked with virtualization tools such as OpenNebula and OpenStack.