How to scale ?

Salle A105, 11:30 - 12:15

  • Incubateur

There is a lot of trending words about hosting and clouds theres years, but just a few focused on the essential : how to make the process and the production of hosting really neat and without problems. We have to focus about industrialization like we did about electricity a century ago : produce stable standard with a high quality of service and availability, and develop the ecosystem of consumer. So, how the PaaS, the cloud and good process will end the server management ?

  • Level: Shu (débutant), Ha (intermédiaire)

  • Topic: The end of server management : hosting have to become a commodity

About speaker

Quentin ADAM

Quentin ADAM

CEO, Clever Cloud

Quentin ADAM is the CEO of Clever Cloud : a Platform as a Service company allowing you to run java, scala, ruby, node.js, php, python or go applications, with auto scaling and auto healing features. This position allow him to study lots of applications, code, practice, and extract some talks and advises. Regular speaker at various tech conference, he’s focused to help developers to deliver quickly and happily good applications.