Cyanite: timeseries storage at scale

Salle BS30, 11:30 - 12:15

  • Incubateur

Graphite is the go-to tool of sysadmins everywhere to store and retrieve timeseries data. It fits in a category of tools essential to web developers to gain insight on their application state

Cyanite is an alternative graphite compatible daemon which uses cassandra as its main storage engine.

The talk will focus on how to build efficient time-series data models in cassandra, how the ecosystem of tools around cassandra can help in processing timeseries in batches and will provide architectural insight in how to build truly scalable timeseries pipelines.

  • Level: Ha (intermédiaire)

  • Topic: Monitoring

About speaker

pierre-yves ritschard

pierre-yves ritschard

CTO, exoscale

Pierre-Yves is CTO at exoscale where he is responsible for architecture and strategic technology choices, relying on experience in the architecture of very large corporate system as well as technical product design in several startups. Pierre-Yves is an active member of the open-source community with key contributions to OpenBSD, collectd and riemann amongst others.