Cross-platform Mobile Development with Xamarin

Salle A102, 16:00 - 16:45

  • Mobilité

This session will cover how to get started building iOS and Android applications with C# and .NET using Xamarin. We’ll discuss the fundamentals of mobile development on each platform and how Xamarin fits in. Then, we’ll discuss how Xamarin works to produce native iOS and Android applications, and walk through an example showing how to build an application that reuses C# code.

  • Level:

  • Topic: Mobile Development

About speaker

Mike James

Mike James

Customer Support Engineer, Xamarin, Inc.

Mike is a customer support engineer at Xamarin. He loves developing apps using Xamarin and regularly writes about his experiences with the platform. He has mostly worked on cross-platform apps before joining Xamarin and enjoys the opportunity to develop native apps whilst sharing code.