Advanced search for your legacy application

  • Big Data

How do you mix SQL and NoSQL worlds without starting a messy revolution?

This live coding talk will show you how to add Elasticsearch to your legacy application without changing all your current development habits. Your application will have suddenly have advanced search features, all without the need to write complex SQL code!

David will start from a Spring, Hibernate and Postgresql based application and will add a complete integration of Elasticsearch, all live from the stage during his presentation.

  • Level: Ha (intermédiaire)

  • Topic: Adding NoSQL search to SQL world

About speaker

David Pilato

David Pilato

developer, Elasticsearch

David Pilato is Technical Advocate at Elasticsearch and the creator of the Elasticsearch French Speakers User Group. He is a a frequent speaker about all things Elasticsearch, including previous editions of Devoxx (Belgium 2013 plus France 2012 & 2013). In his free time, he enjoys coding and DJs four times per year, just for fun. He lives with his family in Cergy, France.