La Cryptographie Post-Quantum

La sécurité à long terme pour les données en transit.

Chiffrer vos données alors qu’elles transitent dans le cloud, c’est facile… aujourd’hui. Mais faire en sorte que ces données restent en sécurité pour toute leur durée de vie est un challenge beaucoup plus compliqué. Avec l’arrivée des ordinateurs quantiques, et les avances en mathématiques, les algorithmes actuels tels RSA ne vont pas tenir longtemps. Il est temps de prévoir quelque chose qui sera bien plus fort. La Cryptographie Post-Quantum.

About speaker

Gilles Gravier

Gilles Gravier

Director Product Management, ID Quantique

Gilles is a security and open source specialist. Before joining ID Quantique, he was chief technology strategist for security and open source at Sun Microsystems, advising the largest accounts globally on their IT security strategy as well as their open source activities. He moved on to develop global market and business development strategies for open source and security in the public sector still at Sun and then Oracle. He has been active in the lobbying activities, in particular for these companies, around cryptography, DRM, and open standards. Gilles is now Director of Product Management for the Quantum Random Number Generators, as well as the Network Security and Quantum Key Distribution product lines at ID Quantique, a company that is the leader in high-performance multi-protocol network encryption based on conventional and quantum technologies, and aiming at providing future-proof encryption for time sensitive data. Gilles was born in 1965 in France, is a dual French and Swiss citizen, and graduated in 1989 from ENSTA ParisTech with an MS degree, majoring in formal computer systems design. He is a CISSP. He also teaches in several universities in Western Switzerland, in particular around digital marketing and social media strategies.