Java EE testing revisited with Arquillian (Part 2/2)



This session is a Lab : Don’t forget your laptop

Unit testing is one of the key techniques helping developers to deliver high quality software. But relying only on it is most of the times just an illusion of safety. Eventually we need to verify how our components are interacting or whether running in the target environment does not end up with some unexpected behaviour. Last but not least it all amounts to whether your application is providing the end user with what he or she is really expecting. Arquillian is an innovative and highly extensible testing platform for the JVM that enables developers to easily create automated integration, functional and acceptance tests for Java middleware.


Our lab is targeted for intermediate and advanced Java developers. If you want to participate, you should be comfortable with key Java EE 6 concepts such as CDI, EJBs, JPA and with automated testing concepts. And it’s even better if you know how Selenium works !