(Dev && Ops).toPublicCloud()
- Speaker: Cyrille LE CLERC
- Track: Incubateur
- Horaire: vendredi 25 octobre 2013, 13:30 - 14:15
- Slides
IaaS, PaaS or Saas ; Public Cloud radically changes the roles and the ways of working not only of the OPS teams but also of the DEV teams. If the “as a service” approach makes many jobs disappear, mostly on OPS side, new roles emerge and coaching projects to this new world of freedom is key to success. We will illustrate with real-life examples the new role and responsibilities of Dev, QA and Ops teams in this new world where many things are yet to be invented.
After a quick overview of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, we will look at the skills and tasks required by each of these clouds. We will first go through SaaS and see that OPS roles completely disappear on the SaaS side but that there is a new skill of connecting On Premise data centers to SaaS services. On the DEV side, we will see that SaaS is similar to software packages, it requires new skills and often new engineers. Then, we will visit IaaS and show that IaaS comes with a lot of new concepts which require a lot of new skills on the OPS side, we will see how IaaS is the ideal playground of DevOps people. Then, we will show how the hybrid On Premise / Public IaaS approach almost doubles the number of skills and competencies on the OPS side and can become quite expensive. On the DEV side, we will see that things don’t change a lot if the OPS team reproduce the architecture they are used to provide on the On Premise data centers. Finally, we will go through PaaS and see that it greatly reduce the OPS tasks and that it brings a paradigm shift with a “self service” approach which give a completely new autonomy to project teams. We will also show that PaaS comes with constraints.