Data Duel: Data Grids vs Databases

Relational Databases, better known as RDBMS, have been the de facto standard for persisting data, but the increasing storage requirements together with the need to scale and failover in a safe manner has made them either very inflexible or very expensive.

Data Grids provide a solid alternative that address the scalability and failover problems in Databases while maintaining the same storage capabilities. Still, Databases are proven, mature and they’re well understood, so it’s important to understand that they still have a role to play in the enterprise world. This talk will present both data storage approaches, highlighting when to use one as opposed to the other, and vice versa. The audience will take home a better understanding of strengths and weaknesses of each approach, together with detailed information on the specifications, APIs and tools available for each use case.

with Galder ZamarreƱo